

11 years German Shepherd

Owners: Sharon & Richard

May 19, 2014

It has been one year since Mika's diagnosis and eleven months since we started her on I'm Yunity and we are so thrilled to say that after X-rays, CT scan an MRI and a scope followed up with blood work that Mika is cancer free. We were shocked to hear this from an oncologist after running numerous test to see if Mika would be strong enough to undergo knee surgery. She is recovering from the surgery nicely. Thanks to I'm Yunity Mika will get to celebrate her 12th birthday in 1 month.

Apr 04, 2014

It is almost 11 months since Mika's surgery and she is doing well. She is now on a diet to lose weight as she has a very healthy appetite. The doctors are very happy with her progress and the latest blood work shows no sign of illness. She will be 12 this year and we couldn't be happier that she is still with us. I have recommended I'm Yunity to other pet owners whose pets have been diagnosed with cancer. I am forever grateful for this product. Sharon, Rick & Mika.

Dec 05, 2013

At almost 7.5 months after Mika's diagnosis she had to have surgery to remove an abscessed anal sac, I wasn't sure how the I'm Yunity would effect her during surgery so I stopped the I'm Yunity 24 hours before her procedure. Mika made it through the surgery with no problems and I started her back on the I'm Yunity 72 hours after surgery. The doctors are thrilled with her overall health and tell us to keep doing what we are doing. Mika is doing really well on the I'm Yunity and it shows.

Oct 30, 2013

Observed Progress:

Mika seems absolutely fine, she has gained all her weight back since having her spleen removed. Actually her vet has recommended she lose 5 pounds. It has been almost 6 months since her surgery to remove her tumor and Mika shows no signs of any illness. At 3 months postop we did a complete blood work up and everything was between the good to normal range (actually almost all were good. She is 11 years and 4months old so that alone was great news. I do believe that I'm Yunity is keeping her healthy.


Mika seems to have no side effects from the I'm Yunity capsules

Oct 1, 2013

Observed Progress:

Mika is doing very well, at 3 months we did blood work to check for any abnormal signs. The doctor was very happy to see that Mika's results all fell between the good to normal range.


Mika tolerated her 8 pills a day very well except it gave her gas so I now give her 3 pills in the morning and 3 in the afternoon and 2 pills at bedtime. This has stopped any gas issues she had.

Sharon & Richard



10 years old (is 1/4 Border Collie and 1/4 Smooth Collie)

Owners: Janice & Richard

My dog was diagnosed with splenc hemangiosarcoma on 1/10/13. He had his spleen removed, and we chose to treat him with I'm-Yunity after reading abut the UPenn study results.

Update as of Feb 12, 2013

Luke is 35 days past the day he presented (January 8th) with (what we later learned was) hemangiosarcoma. On February 8th, we took him for a check up to his vet, Kym Mitchell DVM, who is following him post surgery and is interested in the outcome of the I'm-Yunity therapy. She did a PVC (packed cell volume) and a radiograph (X-ray for dogs). The PVC was great with no change since the one she did 3 weeks earlier, indicating he is not bleeding internally. The radiograph showed no visible signs of metastases.

From an owner/parent perspective, he seems to be pretty much like he was before the crisis on January 8th. This healthy/full of life status allows us more time to enjoy him in many ways.

We are unable to afford a radiograph every month, but will continue to do blood tests on a monthly basis to check for bleeding. Other tests to assess the progression of the disease will depend mainly on his needs. But whatever we do, we'll keep you posted.

Because he has recovered so fast from the splenectomy, and he is not showing any signs of distress, we were able to take him on a trip to Pismo Beach, CA where he could run leash-free on the beach. (I have attached a picture of him there.)

We are optimistic ... but holding our breath for the continued good health of our beloved Luke.

I hope you find this story of Luke's progress helpful in assessing the effectiveness and value of canine hemangiosarcoma therapy with the "magic mushroom."

March 8th 2013

Today, March 8th, marks 3 months since Luke had his splenectomy and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma. We started him on I'm-Yunity one week after the surgery. Since that time, he has regained all the weight he lost, and, if we didn't know of his diagnosis, would not know he was sick.

Last Thursday, we took him for a check up with his vet. In general, she said taht he appeared fine; a 4-picture radiograph showed no visible sign of metastases, and all his blood levels were normal. We believe the PSP (or Magic Mushroom as we call it) is making a difference. Of course, we can't know for sure, but after the grim prognosis, it seems to be a reasonable assumption. We are crossing our fingers for Luke's continued good health.

We will keep you posted regarding Luke's progress. 
Best regards, 
Janice, Dick and Luke.



Our Chocolate Labrador, Oiler, is 10 days post-surgery to remove his spleen for a bleeding Hemangiosarcoma tumor. The diagnosis blindsided us, a complete surprise, because Oiler, who is still quite handsome, is also very young and otherwise healthy for his 12 1 years of age. He was out enjoying a walk in the park the day before.

Best regards,
KC and Larry, Oiler and the 'boys'.



7.5 years old Rotweiler

Owners: Michael and Delma


Feb 6, 2013

Hi I have purchased you product before & have been AMAZED at the results.My 7 1/2 year old Rotweiler cross 'maggie' was diagnosed with a aggressive tumour on her lip & given a maximum of 3months to live. It is now 3 months later & the large tumour on her lip & egg sized lump in her neck have dissappeared ! I just tried to reorder more I'm Unity but got a message stating you do not ship to our address......Is this correct ? I hope not! Faithfully yours Michael Zerafa

March 12, 2013

Just a update on Maggies progress - the pictures speak for themselves ! 100% recovery ,the only sign is a scar from where the first tumor was cut out. I have also sent you a copy of the report that was done on the original growth that was removed. A good friend of mine has been involved in veterinary supplies/drug sales for many years & is doing some research on the type of tumour that Maggie had,& will give me his unbiased report on his findings.

Faithfully yours


12.5 years Minature Schnauzer

Owners: Pam and Sam

Aug 20, 2013

Our dog, Shadow a Minature Schnauzer, was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma about 3 weeks ago. She has a tumor on her liver. We chose, on advice from her Vet Oncologist, to use I’m-Yunity. We have been using this product for about 3 weeks. Shadow’s appetite, coat, and energy levels are considerably up from when she was discharged from the Vet. She is 12 ½ years old and still acts like a puppy. We have to slow her down at times because of the nature of this type cancer.

We are also using I’m Yunnity with Yunnan Baiyao, a product that controls bleeding from this cancer. So far so good. We will keep you updated

Pam and Sam

Kathleen from IndianolaThree weeks after Annie's spleen was removed we started her on 8 capsules a day where we emptied onto her food. Within a day or two she showed much more energy and wanted to walk longer distances with us. If we didn't know tha…

Kathleen from Indianola

Three weeks after Annie's spleen was removed we started her on 8 capsules a day where we emptied onto her food. Within a day or two she showed much more energy and wanted to walk longer distances with us. If we didn't know that she was sick already, we would think she was perfectly fine.

Nancy from DracutMy dog has been diagnosed with subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma. He has two metastasis nodules in his lungs. One nodule has remained stable while on I'm-Yunity®. The other has grown. We will be having our 3rd checked x-ray in a couple o…

Nancy from Dracut

My dog has been diagnosed with subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma. He has two metastasis nodules in his lungs. One nodule has remained stable while on I'm-Yunity®. The other has grown. We will be having our 3rd checked x-ray in a couple of weeks for an update on nodule growth.